Friday, June 17, 2011


What a perfect day today has been. It started out by actually waking up early enough that my husband and I weren't literally running out the door to make it to work on time. 
I dropped him off, went to the gym, (which I LOVE doing on early weekday mornings because it is full of theee sweetest 75+ year olds) came home to find out that I don't have work (wahoo) and now I am drinking an amazing cup of Starbucks Cinnamon Spice via brew, delish. 
Oh, and it is absolutely gorgeous outside, hellllo summer! Finally. 

My sweet husband likes to send me K-loves encouraging word every now and then, and today while I was dying working out, I received this:
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
Philippians 4-6

Unfortunately, for the majority of these past few months, Andrew and I have been the king and queen of worrying. It seems like we are always worried about something, whether it be money related and those horrible two words: student loans (yuck) or stressing about the car and how it wouldn't start the other morning. BUT every.single.time God always provides for us and we end up with just what we need. Looking back, we are in awe of all of the times we were so worried and how everything worked out, just how it was supposed to. 

This is my new goal: Not to worry. I have been a worry wort my entire life. Not fun. I remember the summer after 2nd grade and being completely terrified that I was going to forget how to write in cursive. Dear Lord. 

I am going to post this verse up in our house and every time worry slips into our minds, we will be reminded that we are not in control and not to worry about anything.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

brother's graduation

I still can't believe that my little brother graduated on Sunday.

I remember stuffing him in my doll's high chair and making having him play school with me I like to take partial credit to his intelligence :) 

Oh, he was theee cutest little boy. Hair so blonde it looked white and the biggest blue eyes. 

I remember going to the grocery store once and having a lady literally freak out on my mom because she thought that she had dyed my brothers hair. Sheesh people. But I am so so proud of him and love him so so much!