Today is a happy day. One year ago today I was getting ready to marry my best friend, high school sweet heart and the person that I have been with since I was 17 years old.
Andrew and I both decided that we wanted to plan our wedding. We vowed that we were not going to stress or get worried because this special time was only going to happen once... annnnd that lasted about two days. We were both getting ready to graduate from college. Andrew had his thesis due (and a job lined up at the time that depended on it) and I was running around, by way of caffeine, trying to finish all of my last projects/classes/papers. It was hectic. I remember staying up two nights in a row together. We were zombies. But once the second week of June hit, we.were.DONE. Forever! After graduation it was wedding crunch time! Although at times it was hectic, it was so much fun to plan our special day together. We were blessed by so many friends and family that wanted to help too!
I have cried at 99% of the weddings that I have been to... even the ones where I barely know the bride & groom. So, naturally, I thought I was going to be a mess. The part I always loose it on is when the bride is walking down the aisle and looking to the groom to see his reaction. Nope! Not at my wedding! Not one tear... My handsome husband was up there waiting for me... (he must have gotten something in his eye ;)...) and I was completely composed! Not one tear. Not even the feeling you get in your stomach or throat when you think you are about to mayyybe tear up. Nothing.
I was just soo excited. So so sooo grateful and excited. I couldn't wait to get down the aisle and stand next to him!

The bridal party
The whole weekend was I serrriously wouldn't mind getting married again! To the same groom, of course. ;)
There are a million things I love about marriage. But my favorite thing is living with my best friend. Andrew and I didn't live together before we got married so this first year has been quite a fun adventure! He is the best roommate! :)
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