Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year

2011 has been full of so many blessings and so many moments that had us thinking, "seriously?!'  
Here's a little re-cap of this past year in the Edwards house... It sure was a lovely one!

  •  After application, after application, after application, after application (you get the idea!) Andrew finally got his first 'big boy' job as an interactive marketing coordinator/graphic designer at a local credit union in Beaverton. He has helped design the branch that is right down the street from us, and let me tell you, he is gooood at what he does. We are so thankful for his career and that he doesn't have to travel oodles of miles to get to his office... it's a mere 5 miles down the road. Lucky boy. :)
  • We moved into our very first home! This was an entire 8 months over due. My parents are amazing... but boy oh boy, it is SO awesome to have our own little place. My hubby is a rockin' roomie! We have loved decorating our little place together... although it still has lots of small projects left! 
  • I started nannying through an agency in Portland. At first, I loved it. I loved the variety of families that I got to meet, the sweet... and lets just be honest... the sometimes not-so-sweet-children that this all provided. After awhile, however, I was really wanting to have a somewhat consistent schedule. I started nannying for a little girl consistently for about 3 months... and then her parents decided to enroll her in Montessori. So, back to the agency I went. It was quite the process to find a consistent family. In September I started nannying for two little boys, Noah and Danny. Noah is the sweetest little thing ever. Danny, his younger brother... well, he has his moments :) I am definitely learning what it truly means to be patient... especially when it comes to potty training. Fun stuff! I am with the boys Monday, Wednesday and occasionally on Friday. And then, a little over a month ago I started watching Ella. Ella is almost 5 months old and the cutest and sweetest little baby. And her parents... a Godsend, so so sweet. I am with little Ella on Tuesday's and Thursday's. 
  • Our growing business. Whoa. We started off last year as just the two of us. Now, as 2012 is starting, we have a total of 21 other businesses within our organization. This little venture has been the greatest blessing. It brings such a peace over us to know that this is our own. To have a back up plan in this economy is almost necessary and that's exactly what it was. But its no longer the backup plan, it is the plan. We are SO SO excited for 2012.
  • We celebrated our FIRST year as Mr. & Mrs. Best year yet. Full of learning more and more about one another, growing together, baking/cooking together, decorating together, celebrating together and sometimes just complete chaos together! I love Andrew. God knew just what I needed in a husband -- he is such a sweetie pie! (He will appreciate that one!) :) 
  • We added a new addition, our little cockapoo, Clover. She is such a sweetie! Andrew has taught her a few tricks and apparently, as our vet has informed us, she is a pretty smart pooch if she is already doing tricks at this age. Who knew... with her potty-ing habits, we thought she was 'special' :) My grandparents added this at the end of their Christmas card this year and I thought it was too cute... "P.S. Oops, almost forgot to mention we became great-grandparents this year. Only one problem - SHE BARKS. Natasha and Andrew acquired a little pup (Clover). She looks like a little miniature "mop-head" on wheels. Was expecting more, but guess we'll have to settle for a pup for now!!" Oh my goodness! We'll just have to wait and see what 2012 brings grandma & grandpa! ;)
  • The biggest blessing has been God teaching us and showing us just how much he loves us. You think we'd get the hint at some point... but with us, being human and all... it took a bit. ;) When we first moved up to the Beaverton area, our $ situation was... uh, slim. Student loans were due left and right as well as all of our other lovely life expenses. It was only about a week or so after we had moved up here and what we were experiencing looked something like this, bills > money. To be exact we were about $700 dollars short. So not ideal! We were worried, frustrated, scared... and about a week or so before all of that was due, we received a check in the mail for $800 dollars. Whoa. Andrew was going to be photographing a couples wedding that following October and they had been paying $90/month. But this particular month, they sent us the entire remaining balance which was $800 dollars. Praise.the.LORD. We are so thankful. We are definitely over that little hill and our finances and faith have never looked better.
This has been a year full of learning & growing & loving. 

Happy 2012! It is going to be so so grand.

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